


  1. 热烈庆祝海南大学建校20周年。

  2. 深入贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想,努力建设高水平的社会主义特区大学。

  3. 建设社会主义特区大学,培养德智体全面发展的合格人才。

  4. 解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,开拓创新。

  5. 勤奋、多思、求实、创新。

  6. 勤于学习,善于创新,甘于奉献。

  7. 办好万人大学,创建一流学科,造就优秀人才。

  8. 热爱海大,建设海大,发展海大。

  9. 加快发展,提高质量,办出特色。

  10. 海大明天会更好。

  11. 海纳百川,有容乃大。

  12. 奋云霄而振翮,励德业以日新。

  13. 热烈欢迎海南大学校友。

  14. 衷心感谢各级领导和各界朋友对海大的关心和支持。

  15. 热烈欢迎海内外乡亲参加海大20周年华诞庆典。


  1. Warmly celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of Hainan University.

  2. Further implement Jiang Zemin’s important thought of “Three Represents” and strive to grow Hainan University into a prestigious socialist Special Economic Zone university.

  3. Build this socialist Special Economic Zone university well and train morally, academically, and physically sound students.

  4. Emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, go with the time, and be enterprising and innovative.

  5. Be diligent, contemplative, realistic, and enterprising.

  6. Be diligent in studies, good at innovating, and ready to devote.

  7. Manage this big university well, create and foster first-rate disciplines, and produce excellent students.

  8. Love Hainan University and grow it into a better university.

  9. Accelerate the development of Hainan University, improve its quality of education, and develop this university into an educational powerhouse with its unique characteristics.

  10. Hainan University will have an even brighter future.

  11. As the sea is open to all rivers, our further development hinges on our greater capacity to absorb.

  12. As the bird aims to soar high up in the air, we must make professional as well as moral endeavors to make progress every day.

  13. Warmly welcome alumni of Hainan University.

  14. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all leaders and friends for their firm support of Hainan University.

  15. Warmly welcome folks from home and abroad to the grand ceremony for the 20th anniversary of the founding of Hainan University.


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